2025 Spring Season Registration
Registration has dropped to $250.
PWCA Erg Springs -- Sat (8 Feb)
Get ready for this season's High School Erg Sprints (HSES).
Hosted at Battlefield High School in Manassas.
Coach K will register rowers.
For more info, visit PWRC Erg Sprints
Winter Conditioning Schedule
New and returning rowers start winter conditioning. Workouts
will meet at the Hylton Indoor Gym.
Everyone: Monday-Friday in the Hylton weight room from 4:15p-6:15p;
Meet past the Commons at the end of C Street.
Hylton Crew is not a department, program or agency of Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) but a separate legal entity comprised of parents and other supporters of the Hylton Crew team.
This Website is not managed, approved, or sponsored by Prince William County Public Schools.